Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Top 3 Natures' Pricks

I am often outside doing various duties such as gardening or pulling weeds or other odd jobs to fix things and i compiled a short list of the worst pricks nature has to offer.

Number 3: Thorns

So many plants have these i assume who ever made plants wanted to f with us as much as possible.  you'd think wearing gloves could stop these mofo's but no! They go right through!
No matter how much normal plants outweigh the number of thorned plants to act as a buffer, the thorns always get to you! Annoying!

Number 2: Bees!

These have got to be the worst animal on earth. They made any sane person stop and tremble with fear just by going next to an unsuspecting persons' ear and whispering "BZZ".  See one flying near you? You cant do anything about it! Stay still and you have to tremble in fear as it walks around on you slowly sizing you up to maybe sting/bite. Move or hit at it? You just created a war! It's now pissed congratulations.  Good Luck, its either u or him so let him have his last breath!!

Number 1! Splinters!

Anything made of wood may seem harmless, but nooo you will most likely get a splinter handling anythingg.. Gloved or not it doesn't matter, these buggers find a way to ruin your day.  Extreme pain and discomfort befall you if you get one of these, and to get one out? More pain and frustration trying to fish it out.  You ever see the saw movies? Its like a little saw experiment to get out a splinter, cause you have to like dig into your own flesh.  I utterly hate splinters and fear them everyday. :(


  1. Eh, I just ignore bees. They usually ignore me back. If one does sting, it is kind of like ignoring getting your finger pricked at the doctor. Sure you feel it but if you aren't dreading it, it doesn't hurt nearly as bad.

  2. I dont like bees but if they leave me alone its no problem!

  3. bees scare the hell out of me. i know they won't sting unless provoked, but that doesn't mean they can fly so damn close to me.

  4. Great post! love to read this stuff, really

  5. I'm a bit allergic to bees so ... i prefer to run away.

  6. Fuck,i hate bees.Plus i'm allergic,so..

  7. I have to agree with you here. Check out my other TS blog, Swift Fanatics!

  8. imo sunburns and poison ivy should be on this list!

  9. great work dude
    flw and supp u ;)

  10. HAHA nice blog hehe check out my reviews and blogs :)
